North America

Location: Offshore



Safe and efficient refueling for top tier tanker operators

Area of Operations

Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP)

Galveston Offshore Lightering Area (GOLA)

South West Pass (SWP)

South Sabine Pass

Visit location


Bunker One (US) Offshore
440 Louisiana Street
Suite 2100
Houston, TX 77002, USA

+1 347-690-2023 or +1 (251) 690-9100 or +1 (251) 929-5153 - Available 24/7 - Available 24/7


Bunker One is a team of highly skilled professionals with expert local knowledge in the many areas we operate around the globe. Meet our great team who all work passionately to deliver world class service and are driven to go the extra nautical mile for you.

Georgia Kounalakis
Georgia Kounalakis
Managing Director
Theodoros Motsenigos
Theodoros Motsenigos
Operations Manager
Matthew Duppay
Matthew Duppay
Risk Manager
Keith Richardson
Keith Richardson
Supply Optimization Manager
Scott Diamond
Scott Diamond
Physical Sales

Bunker One (US) Offshore - Safe and efficient refueling for top tier tanker operators

Bunker One offers safe and efficient offshore supplies in the Gulf of Mexico, operating off both the Texas and Louisiana coastlines.

We have tailor-made this operation to meet the specific needs and to provide the safest and most efficient refueling solution for top tier tanker owners/operators lightering in the Gulf of Mexico, covering Galveston Off Shore Lightering Area, South Sabine Pass, South West Pass and Louisiana Off Shore Oil Port (LOOP).

More about the vessel - M/T FURUHOLMEN
M/T FURUHOLMEN is a highly specialized tanker fit for STS and offshore bunker operations with safety as the absolute top priority. Two totally independent and separate engine rooms and systems secure full propulsion and maneuvering redundancy even in the unlikely event of fire or flooding.

The independent propulsion lines and rudders plus powerful bow thrust make the vessel excellent for safe maneuvering during any kind of operation. All fairleads are closed roller type or Panama fairleads and with enough mooring winches and bitts for mooring to any size customer vessel in port, at anchor, under power or in DP mode.

Manifolds for gas oil and HFO at midship and aft make short and fast hose connection and sufficient pumping capacity even for the most efficient receivers with up to 2000 m3/h. Our fender system in combination with the high maneuvering and mooring standards, not only protect our own vessel; but both parties participating in the bunker supply rendezvous.


  • RMG 180/380 High Sulphur
  • MGO 0.1 Sulphur
  • VLSFO 0,5


  • ISO 8217: 2010 Fuels Standard for Marine Residual Fuels
  • ISO 8217: 2010 Fuels Standard for Marine Distillate Fuels

Delivery Method

  • IFO by tanker
  • MGO by tanker

Offshore Delivery Coordinates

  • GOLA: 28-40N 094-40W
  • South Sabine: 28-40N 093-30W
  • SWP: 28-23N 090-36W
  • LOOP: 28-47N 090-00W


  • MT Furuholmen (IMO: 9553397)
  • IFO CAPACITY: 15,000 MTS
  • MGO CAPACITY: 3,000 MT
  • Major Oil Company Approved
  • Q88 will be forwarded on request